• UN unveils art installation to take SDGs public

    UN unveils art installation to take SDGs public

    24 October 2016 – An art installation of a Rubik’s Cube that features the Sustainable Development Goals was unveiled today by the UN Resident Coordinator Niels Scott, representatives of the non-governmental organizations and media on Rustaveli Avenue, the central avenue in Tbilisi.



  • World Food Day marked in Georgia

    Climate change and the International Year of Pulses were the main themes or the World Food Day event organized by the Representation of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Georgia and the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia.

    In his opening address Assistant FAO Representative in Georgia Mr.Mamuka Meskhi discussed the key sectors and directions of agriculture, the strengthening of which is vital for sustainable development of the sector in the face of climate change.



    20 Oct 2016 more
  • Georgian Women Photographers to Focus on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

    What is sexual harassment in the workplace? How can be sexual harassment captured by means of photography? What ethical considerations should be taken into account when working on such sensitive issue? How to technically capture and edit a picture, so that it talks directly and unambiguously to the viewer? These and other questions were discussed at a workshopheld at the outskirts of the Tbilisi Photo Festival (September 21 – 24, 2016), and led by the British Photographer Alixandra Fazzina, a well-accomplished and an award winning member of Noor Photo Agency and Foundation.

    “Documentary and artistic photography can greatly contribute to uncovering unseen or taboo topics” noted Mzia Saganelidze, a participant of the workshop. “Many of us may fail to realize that have been exposed to sexual harassment, because we are simply used to sexist remarks or behavior. It is, however, time to start questioning what is and what is not appropriate communication between colleagues at work place, and try also to visualize it. The workshop has definitely helped to realize that the problem exists and is unaddressed. Picturing sexual harassment at work place in non-explicit way is not an easy task. Yet,I strongly believe that photography has the power to speak about everything”. 


    24 Sep 2016 more
  • Georgia: UN rights expert to follow up on the situation of internally displaced persons

    GENEVA / TBILISI (22 September 2016) – United Nations expert Chaloka Beyani will carry out a visit to Georgia from 25 to 29 September 2016 to review the human rights situation of internally displaced persons. He will follow up on the recommendations made in his 2014 report* to the UN Human Rights Council. 

    “During my visit, I will consider progress made with regard to the protection and assistance provided to IDPs and look at current challenges and opportunities for durable solutions in Georgia, particularly the integration of IDP needs into broader development plans and initiatives,” said the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons. 

    22 Sep 2016 more
  • World marks first anniversary of historic plan to improve the lives of people everywhere

    New York, 20 September – One year since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), more than 140 world leaders as well as high-level officials from the private sector, civil society and academia will gather at the United Nations this week to recognize the unprecedented global commitment made to end poverty and build a more sustainable world.  
    “The true test of our commitment as a global community to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda will be in its implementation,” said UN Secretary-General Ban Kimoon. “We need action from everyone, everywhere. If Governments, businesses and civil society work together, we can build a world of peace, prosperity, dignity and opportunity for all by 2030.”  


    19 Sep 2016 more

  • UN Resident Coordinator Niels Scott joining the Road Safety public awareness campaign

    In Focus

    UN Resident Coordinator Niels Scott has joined the Road Safety public awareness campaign For Your Own Sake, For Your Safety!' launched by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia. In his video message he calls on “to make a commitment to ourselves, our children and our communities that, from today forward, we will work towards the goal of reducing road traffic accidents in the country by 50 percent by the year 2020”, like what the UN global action plan requires member countries to do. 
