• Annual Development Partnership Forum held in Tbilisi

    Annual Development Partnership Forum held in Tbilisi

    The government and donors gathered in Tbilisi on 29 January 2020 to discuss government's development plans and increase exchange of information about current reforms and new initiatives.

    Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Gakharia opened the Annual Development Partnership Forum. The Forum was co-chaired and moderated by Sabine Machl, UN Resident Coordinator in Georgia.

    Gakharia thanked the various international organisations and financial institutions which have provided seven billion USD in financial aid for Georgian reforms over the past several years [including 2018].

    “"It is a great honor for us to hold this conference today and have a close interaction with our partners in a work-group environment,” Gakharia said. “It is important our partners and colleagues see the country’s progress and results of the reforms and support us on this path”.

    During the forum, Gakharia said that Georgia has carried out many reforms and continues to do so and  as of now Georgia has four priority directions,“security, economic development and jobs, education and human capital and open governance - the latter being the most important for us,” Giorgi Gakharia said.

    Speaking on behalf of development partners, Sabine Machl noted that all donors remain engaged to support Georgia to achieve its national development priorities.



  • Annual Development Partnership Forum

    Annual Development Partnership Forum

    Welcome remarks by UN Resident Coordinator  Sabine Machl at the  Annual Development Partnership Forum

    29 January 2020, Tbilisi


    Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

    Dear Ministers and Deputy Ministers of the Government

    Dear Chairman of the Parliament and Members of Parliament,

    Dear Development Partners and Representatives of the Diplomatic Corps

    Dear Colleagues and Guests,


    It is a true honor for me to deliver the welcoming remarks on behalf of the Development Partner Coordination Group. This Group consists of all major bilateral and multilateral development partners including the International Financial Institutions who are operating here in Georgia. On behalf of all of us, I would like to thank you Mr. Prime Minister, your Administration as well as all members of the cabinet for the opportunity to hold this High-Level Forum and to discuss the way forward in our cooperation in order to make our support as effective as possible.
