The UN system continues online consultations to bring the voices of the government at all levels and a significant number and diversity of non-state stakeholders to the table. The extensive information collected through this consultation process will be invaluable for designing the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2021-2025.
The new UNSDCF will guide the work and collaboration of the Government of Georgia and the United nations till 2026 towards one overarching priority, “Enhancing Human Wellbeing, Capabilities and Social Equality”. To contribute to this priority, the Cooperation Framework will be articulated around five priority areas: effective, transparent and accountable institutions; equal and inclusive access to quality services; inclusive economy and human capital development (jobs/livelihoods); human security and resilience; and environment and climate change.
On June 3 the UN has organised a consultation meeting to discuss the equal and inclusive access to quality services. Over 55 representatives of the Georgian Government, civil society, academia and international organizations attended the meeting.
To mark its 75th anniversary in 2020, the United Nations is igniting a people’s debate.
Launched by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, it promises to be the largest and furthest-reaching global conversation ever on building the future we want.
In a world of dramatic changes and complex challenges, from the climate crisis to population shifts to the unknown course of technology, we need collective action more than ever before.
Through UN75, the United Nations will encourage people to put their heads together to define how enhanced international cooperation can help realize a better world by 2045, the UN’s 100th birthday.
At this pivotal moment in history, UN75 asks three big questions: What kind of future do we want to create? Are we on track? What action is needed to bridge the gap?
Anyone can join the conversation. Online and offline, in formal and informal dialogues,
UN75 will involve as many people as possible. Together, they will share their hopes and fears, assess current and future risks and opportunities, and source solutions for global cooperation.
The survey is available in Georgian: